Vivienne Scott nos visita desde Canadá
17:18El pasado 24 de noviembre los Blue Jeans Group le dieron la bienvenida a Uruguay a la coreógrafa anglo-canadiense Vivienne Scott. Con motivo de ello nos reunimos en el Shannon Irish Pub de la Ciudad Vieja, donde disfrutamos de muy buena música country y bluegrass a cargo de Hickory Wind con la participación de Julio Lupo y Victor Viera celebrandose el tradicional sábado country organizado por AMCU, mas tarde estuvo presente la banda Ruta 8.
Thank you Vivienne Scott!!!! Nice to meet you!!
También fué motivo de festejo el cumpleaños de Francisco, uno de nuestros cowboys
Pasamos una noche colmada de alegría y festejos.
Vivienne Scott: thank you for mentioning us on your website!!
Here I copy and paste Vivienne's words about the time she spent in Uruguay "But I still had a couple of line dance experiences to go; I met up with a small Uruguayan line dance group in an Irish Pub in Montevideo for their monthly country music night and line dance! This is organized by the President of the Uruguayan CMA Raul Tejeiro for his music enjoyment and his wife Ana Elisa’s line dance pleasure! LD is in its infancy there but they have a very keen young instructor in Fabiana Rodriquez so I am sure it will grow."...
Here I copy and paste Vivienne's words about the time she spent in Uruguay "But I still had a couple of line dance experiences to go; I met up with a small Uruguayan line dance group in an Irish Pub in Montevideo for their monthly country music night and line dance! This is organized by the President of the Uruguayan CMA Raul Tejeiro for his music enjoyment and his wife Ana Elisa’s line dance pleasure! LD is in its infancy there but they have a very keen young instructor in Fabiana Rodriquez so I am sure it will grow."...
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